come work with us

Pay Equity and Diversity

We’re always looking for like-minded people to join our team!

We’re a small team with a wide set of skills, all dedicated to creating intelligent learning experiences while continually improving our own knowledge.

Our insights

Pay gap by ethnicity
Pay gap by gender
Ethnic diversity
of our employees
Ethnicity diversity of
our senior leadership team
Gender diversity of
our employees
Gender diversity of
our senior leadership team
Salary ratio
(includes all staff and directors)
Employees receiving a bonus
FY 2021/2022

We put our staff first

Our insights

Pay gap by ethnicity
Pay gap by gender
Ethnic diversity
of our employees
Ethnicity diversity of
our senior leadership team
Gender diversity of our employees
Gender diversity of our senior leadership team
Salary ratio (includes all staff and directors)
Employees receiving a bonus FY 2021/2022

We put our staff first

Interested in working with Like-Minded?

Get in touch today

03 372 9208