Engaging your learners
On-demand, consistent and cost-saving training
Do you provide in person learning content that is regularly repeated to different audiences? To save time and resources, organisations are evolving their learning experiences beyond the limitations of traditional face-to-face delivery. Let us help you develop online or blended programmes that are effective, flexible and visually appealing. Where necessary, we’ll help you target learning to specific roles and provide staff or customers with relevant, timely, and on-demand learning.
Empower your learners
Participants can sometimes be overwhelmed by the volume of information to retain from an online experience. We can chunk material into easily digestible segments than can be consumed just in time, when an immediate need is identified. What’s more, it makes it easy to hop in, target what you need to find and review specific content any time.
Empower your learners to get the most out of the experience you provide whether it’s learning for new staff as inductions, job specific training or specialised, facilitated workshops. Whatever your need is, it’s worth us having a chat to see how we can enhance the learning experience for your staff or customers.
Save on time and resources by including online learning
Using only face-to-face delivery does have its place, but is resource heavy. It depends on availability of staff and other resources. Including online delivery in your learning programmes will ensure consistency and will mean a better use of your valuable resources.

Easy planning and targeted learning
We cater to different needs based on a variety of roles in your organisation. Like-Minded develops role-based training to deliver targeted learning experiences.
Do you have staff waiting for months to receive adequate training because a course needs to be full first? Getting enough people to the same place at the same time is a costly headache for many organisations. We support our clients to simplify their training through an online or blended approach, enabling everyone to access the learning relevant to them, on-demand.
No limits on the topics we can take online!
Almost every topic can have at least some element online, even if it needs to be blended with some in-person activities. We design effective and efficient learning, grouped for managed delivery to the right person at the right time, all scheduled through sound strategy and planning. We help you move confidently forward when it’s the right time to make the move online and we have the expertise to make it an integral part of your business success.
Working alongside you every step of the way to offer end-to-end learning solutions
To meet your specific needs and resources, Like-Minded Learning can:
provide content and instructional design
support quality user interface, visual and learning design
get you started with a learning programme
guide you as you evolve an existing learning programme
consult with you on learning infrastructure and technologies (LMS)
collaborate and share our experience and knowledge
provide educational-focused websites and community portals
build systems and processes that support learning
provide learning and development capability training
help you to target a broader learning audience

How can we help?
We're here to help your people and your organisation thrive
03 372 9208