Proud to be using our business as a force for good

The B CorporationTM  has been our guiding light for a number of years as the business got started, and then supporting us as we grew over the last few years into what we represent today.

We operate in a way that values people and planet, as well as running a profitable business.

Accreditation means that we, like all the other B CorpsTM , believe that honesty, integrity and ethics are the foundation of a good business, and we operate accordingly. These attributes build our customer relationships on trust, and ensure our employees are able to produce their best work whilst enjoying a balanced and healthy life. We prioritise work for social and environmental good, rather than letting profit be the primary driver.

Together, as a community of ‘like-minded’ businesses, B CorpsTM  are showing that there are better ways of working – better for the economy, because it is better for workers, better for communities and better for the environment.

It was a rigorous process and took us about a year once we buckled down and answered the assessment in earnest. However, this means that the certification is all the more valid and it’s not just given away easily but is truly earned.

B Corp certification  confirms our ‘why’.

Being recognised as a B Corp alongside a growing number of organisations, and featuring in the B Corp directory alongside some other very familiar names has been one of our greatest achievements as a team.

If you want to find out more about becoming a B Corp, then get in touch with us, or check out the B Corp website for more information.

Our insights

Data is correct as at 1 April 2023

Stats include all staff and directors unless otherwise specified.

Pay gap by ethnicity
Pay gap by gender
Ethnic diversity
of our employees
Ethnicity diversity of
our senior leadership team
Gender diversity of our employees
Gender diversity of our senior leadership team
Salary ratio (includes all staff and directors)
Employees receiving a bonus FY 2021/2022

How can we help?

We're here to help your people and your organisation thrive.

03 372 9208