Updating and future-proofing NZDF medic training


Updating and future-proofing NZDF medic training

Trusting in safe and well-trained hands

There is clearly a high risk when life-saving training becomes out-of-date. It can result in death or injury, but even an incident can result in costly legal action that could reflect badly on the NZDF. It was essential to revisit the content and update it to meet current requirements and ensure that no issues arose through lack of, or out-of-date, training.

Making it happen presented an issue though. NZDF had a current skills gap with no dedicated instructional design resource available to carry out the update work. So, that’s where Like-Minded stepped in to support the project and make sure the new syllabus was delivered.

Out-of-date training carries a high risk

The NZDF identified a requirement to provide selected officers and non-commissioned officers (NCO’s) with the knowledge and skills to perform the duties of a health commander, across a range of roles and ranks.

There was no appropriate, up-to-date programme that delivered the knowledge and skills required to perform these command tasks that was applicable to health.

Even under tight deadlines our expertise made the transition fast and easy

Like-Minded added value as we were employing a previous dedicated NZDF learning designer. It meant that NZDF could leverage efficiencies through the pre-existing organisational knowledge and relationships with the learning designer, as they were able to jump straight into the role.

We combined the robust design standards, templates and processes used by both NZDF and Like-Minded. By blending this process, along with the experience and familiarity our learning designer brought, we were able to streamline the approach to updating the material and deliver a new and current medic programme.

From complex to clarity

Our job as an instructional designer (ID) is usually to work with unfamiliar and complex material turning it into a clear, easily digestible format. It can be quite a strain on the brain at times! It’s what we do, and we do it well, but it was a nice change for our ID to work with a familiar topic that really utilised her previous experience working in the NZDF. Familiarity reduced the early stages of the process, helped identify issues early, and generally streamlined the process.

“Like-Minded have worked hard to understand the complex Defence environment and specific training contexts.  This has translated into effective learning design and delivery of appropriate learning solutions within a time and resource constrained situation.”

MAJ Neil Corlett,
NZDF Health Sch Chief Instr-NZDC, New Zealand Defence College

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