Making sustainability part of everyday work
Ravensdown decided on an online approach to showing their commitment to sustainability and encouraging their staff to do the same.
Ravensdown decided on an online approach to showing their commitment to sustainability and encouraging their staff to do the same.
It’s an old quote that’s still true – it’s not easy to get your message across in a few words. But, that’s exactly what we need to do in online learning – make complex ideas bite sized to engage learners and fit the parameters of development tools. More recently, American writing guru William Zinsser claimed … Read more
Many things are changing about the way we work in the wake of COVID-19. For some organisations, that has meant a rapid shift to developing training for online delivery, rather than the traditional face-to-face approach. It’s an exciting challenge but developing for online delivery requires different skills. If you’re the lone learning professional, or you … Read more